dear Merritt, is an exhibition of small oil paintings, standing only 5” x 7”. The series will include 7-10 framed paintings accompanied by one page written narratives exorcising each painting’s memory. The oil paintings are delicately painted miniatures inspired by the artist’s remembrance of her childhood in lieu of the birth of her first child, a daughter named Merritt. Each jewel-like painting excavates visual queues of seminal moments in the artist’s upbringing as viewed through the lens of childhood, and re-remembered as an expectant parent.

Buttercup 5" x 7" oil on canvas 2017, with letter

5" x 7" oil on canvas 2017

each painting is associated with an ephemeral memory, which is told in literary form, in conjunction with the visual imagery.

5" x 7" oil on canvas quarter to show scale 2017

5" x 7" oil on canvas 2017

5" x 7" oil on canvas quarter to show scale 2017

5" x 7" oil on canvas 2017

5" x 7" oil on canvas quarter to show scale 2017

5" x 7" oil on canvas

5" x 7" oil on canvas quarter to show scale 2017