I recently was lamenting about a season in my life which left me unable to be in the studio. For my friends who follow me on Instagram, you may have caught it.
an image from my recent post on IG. "Brad" colored pencil on Bristol paper 2019
If not, here's the gist : My dad has been very dangerously and unexpectedly sick due to an infection on his spine, which gave him MRSA (he is recovering and home finally), my house is being renovated leaving my studio unreachable/unusable for another month, I teach full-time and I'm the mother of a toddler who never stops moving. I know this season is not forever. But knowing that this period in my life is only temporary it doesn't make the longing any less. As I was ruminating about potential solutions for my dry-spell I came across this video by Maria Brophy.
Day 1, painting along the walking/bike path near my home in the Northdale area of Tampa, FL
In the video she said this:
Make a Powerful Decision and Solutions Follow. When you make a powerful decision, solutions to make it happen will present themselves. And the best Solutions are those you cannot see!
And with a fire in my belly I took to my calendar.
I evaluated the time that I do have to create - about an hour and a half during nap-time on weekends and a couple of days during winter break in which my daughter will be in daycare and I'm not teaching.
And with that the 10 Days of Plein Air was born. I'm committed to taking my studio outdoors for 10 days. I scribbled my following mantra in my notebook this morning after finishing Day 2.
p.s. Plein air and alla prima practices aren't something I'm comfortable with AT ALL. I'm a slow, methodical, long-suffering kinda painter.
Day 2 painting in my actual backyard while the baby naps
My work can be whatever I want it to be. There is history and standards but my work doesn't have to be those things. The first 10 may suck and that's ok. I'm still learning and growing. Discoveries may occur or they may not but at least I am moving somewhere. I don't need to have all the answers.
The practice is terribly simple but I'm making a powerful decision AND SHARING IT because the solutions are still unseen for my project. I don't know the outcome but I'm jumping with both feet in, preparing for all it's potential failures and resting in it.
Won't you join me on my journey?
I've completed Day 1 and Day 2 so far and am SO excited about the next 8 days this month! You can find details on my Instastories and a full report over here on the blog.
Thanks for allowing me this artistic vulnerability, guys. It really means the world to me that you've supported me in my artistic endeavors. I've received some wonderful suggestions for possible locations for painting. And to the creative parents who have given me hugs across the internet, thank you. It means so much!