I've been s-l-o-w-l-y plugging away, in between commissions drying, at a new series, titled: dear Merritt,

It's a body of small oil paintings, standing only 5” x 7” tall. Currently I'm working on five but envision 7-10 framed paintings in total.
Each little work is accompanied by a one page written narrative exorcising each painting’s memory. The oil paintings are delicately painted miniatures (i.e. the tinier the brush the better!) inspired by my memories from childhood in lieu of the birth of my first child, a daughter named Merritt. She's expected on February 4th, so it's a mad finish to the deadline. Although, I imagine, as all works of art, they start out one way and emerge as something else. Something better.
current work in progress The Swim 5" x 7" oil on canvas 2017
Each jewel-like painting excavates visual queues of seminal moments in my upbringing as viewed through the lens of childhood, and re-remembered as an expectant parent.
Today, I'm giving you a sneak peak at the very beginnings of my process, including a memory associated with the painting pictured below, Buttercup.
Buttercup 5" x 7" oil on canvas 2017
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!
P. S. TODAY I am a featured artist on Artsy Shark, hooray! You can check out the feature here.