Using color, students created a narrative that describes a "small world" that they want to live in through paint. Students will became familiar with color schemes. Some examples of color schemes are analogous, monochromatic, complimentary, split complementary, warms/cool, and triadic. | After learning about linear and atmospheric perspective, (sketchbook exercises for 1, 2 and 3pt perspective) students used observational drawing practices to create a one point perspective drawing on campus. Students were encouraged to focus on line, but some opted to add some value to their drawing.
We practiced sight reading, using a pencil as a measuring tool to ensure correct scale and proportions and framing a composition. | Using positive and negative spaces and the Japanese principles of Notan, students hand-cut imagery using symmterical and asymmetrical compositions. |
Assignment: Students created a contour line drawing using objects to create a self-portrait still life.
Students were challenged to vary line quality to express value shifts and spacial depth, as well as use an active composition through line. | Using color, students created a narrative that describes a "small world" that they want to live in through paint. Students became familiar with color schemes, like analogous, monochromatic, complimentary, split complementary, warms/cool, and triadic. | Assignment was to create a drawing machine that eliminates the use and control of your hand to effectively describe the element of design, line. |