Tropical-themed Mural at Florida Orange Groves Winery by Tampa Artist Ashley Cassens

Visit them at: 500 Pasadena Ave S, South Pasadena, FL 33707
I was live on the news, too! See how my tropical inspired mural by Tampa Artist started!
This was a grant that I applied for through Creative Pinellas. They were SO amazing, they prepped the wall prior, hired a lift for me and had a storage on sight so I didn't have to pack it in and out each day.
I was gifted a lot of really wine!
The staff was so nice and I took refuge in their a/c.
There were ACTUAL Rainbow Lorikeets (the bird in the mural) who hung out on the electic wires in the morning. It was pretty cool.
I got stung by a bee who thought the wall was a flower. A high compliment, thank you bee.
It was surpisingly hot on this side of the buidling for October. I certainly sweated it out big time.
Here's some in progress shots of the whole project form START to FINISH:


Florida Orange Groves Winery wanted to highlight their most popular drinks but also have a very "easy breasy" tropical style. The rainbow lorikeet is their mascot, and is featured on each label of their wines. I wanted a purple/orange visual element to make the oranges feel even more vibrant.
Check out some tags from the people:
Thanks, as always for allowing me to live out my purpose with a paintbrush! xo, Ashley